15 Common Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning If You Grew Up Catholic

Get the Full StoryOn Fridays we…don’t eat meat.


What it means everywhere else: Your dad.

What it means to you: Your priest.

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What it means everywhere else: A block of wax with a wick that burns to give off light.

What it means to you: The glass jars with religious figures that are all over your grandma's house.

Twitter: MaxillionMaxine


What it means everywhere else: Ryan Seacrest.

What it means to you: The Body of Christ.

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What it means everywhere else: Something you bathe in.

What it means to you: Something you use to display the Virgin Mary in your yard.

Patrick Lentz Via flickr


What it means everywhere else: The powdery residue that's left over after something burns.

What it means to you: The black stuff that's put on your forehead and only resembles an actual cross if you're lucky during Ash Wednesday.

tynnsalvador Via instagram.com


What it means everywhere else: Something cute you wear in the summer.

What it means to you: A garment that absolutely must fall below your knees and touch the floor when you kneel.

mayorofcreepsville Via instagram.com


What it means everywhere else: A woman who gives her life to the church and lives under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

What it means to you: Your religion teacher who must not be messed with.

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What it means everywhere else: A formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.

What it means to you: A dreaded event where you tell a priest all your sins.



What it means everywhere else: Something that makes you tipsy after one too many glasses.

What it means to you: The Blood of Christ.

denis_nzioka Via instagram.com


What it means everywhere else: Something warm and fuzzy you wear when you get out of the shower.

What it means to you: A thin, white garment alter boys and girls wear during mass.

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What it means everywhere else: The past participle of "lend."

What it means to you: The forty days before Easter when you give up one of your favorite things for penance.



What it means everywhere else: Steak, chicken, pork...

What it means to you: Something you aren't allowed to eat on Fridays during Lent.



What it means everywhere else: A position where your body is supported by your knees.

What it means to you: The thing you do most during mass.

iambennigol Via instagram.com


What it means everywhere else: Pellets of frozen rain that fall from the sky and sometimes cause damage to your car.

What it means to you: The word that precedes "Mary" in a prayer.

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What it means everywhere else: The night before.

What it means to you: The woman who ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden.

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