Sick of Cardio? These Transformations Will Make You Want to Start Lifting Weights ASAP

Get the Full StoryThere is so much advice on how to lose fat and sculpt your body that it can be overwhelming when you're a fitness beginner. Should you focus on cardio alone, start squatting double your weight, or just jump head first into a life of CrossFit? The questions and corresponding answers are endless. However, if your goal is to shed some fat, sculpt your muscles, and get fit, the expert advice is pretty clear: you need a routine of both cardio and strength training.

Although an activity such as running supports weight loss, and both your mental and physical health, treadmill workouts can get very boring very fast, not to mention how quickly your muscles adapt to going through the same workout over and over again. Lifting weights, on the other hand, is a great way to sculpt and build the body you want while boosting your metabolism and upping your endurance in the process.

If you're new to the fitness game and feel like you have to pick between one or the other, think again, because you can have both! Don't believe us? Read on to see eight body-sculpting transformations that will convince you to pick up some weights.

RelatedKim's Amazing Booty Transformation Proves Weightlifting Beats Cardio
